Missions Questionnaire

Open Heaven’s Sozo desires to spread the gospel to the world. To insure and help in qualification of our selection process, we are asking each prospective missionary to fill out this questionnaire form. All questions applicable must be answered in order to be consider for support. Feel free to use a blank memo at the bottom for additional info for any expanded answer.


Can you list which part of the Five-Fold Ministry you operate in?
Do you feel comfortable, and can you explain how a person is saved and outline how you would lead someone to salvation.
Have you been or are you currently married?
Are you divorced, or have you been divorced before
Do you drink alcohol or do drugs
Are you involved in pornography
Do you believe Christians can be posed by demons
Are there any major health concerns in you that we as a supporting body would need to be aware Of.
Have you ever read Any of the following Deliverance books?
Do you tithe and give regularly to your home church?
Do you believe there is only one true God – revealed in three persons…Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity).
Do you believe in the eternal pre-existence of Christ?
Do you believe in the Virgin birth of the Christ?
Do you believe in the substitutionary death of Christ?
Do you believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ?
Can a saved person lose his or her salvation?
Do you believe in the theory of evolution?
Do you believe in theistic evolution?
Do you believe the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer into the body of Christ?
Do you believe the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, comforts us, guides us, gives us spiritual gifts and the desire to obey God; and he enables us to pray and to understand God's Word.
Do you believe that the New Testament Church is
Do you believe that baptism today is by
Do you speak in tongues?
Is the gift of tongues for today?
Do you believe and take part in communion?
Do you believe that the Lord's Supper should be: Open Communion with all professing Christians?
Those in doctrinal agreement?
Local church members only?
Do you suffer from any of the Following?