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YHWH is the Bible’s commonest name for God. Besides occurring by itself, YHWH also appears as the first element of two important compound names: YHWH elohim, usually translated as “the Lord God,” and YHWH ṣebaoth, which English translations traditionally render as “The Lord of Hosts.”

Revelation 12:11 NKJV

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

Revelation 19:10 NKJV

New King James Version

10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

Faith is testimony; testimony is faith. Having a strong testimony of Jesus allows us to help others in their search for truth. Our testimony is a gift from God. It should be shared, but we do not have the authority to bestow a testimony upon someone else, because a personal testimony is granted by the Holy Spirit!

Revelation 19:10 makes a bold statement regarding the relationship between prophecy and Jesus Christ: “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (NKJV). Thbook of Revelation is a book of prophecy given by Jesus Christ to His servant John (Revelation 1:1). The term revelation refers to a revealing or the making known of something that was previously unknown. Revelation is like pulling back a veil to show what’s behind it or unwrapping a present to see what’s inside.


Sharing Stories of Faith

We had just been praying for the son to my left for HIV, the father showed up as we were all leaving. Lord revealed there was a family member that was cursing them and was a witch. The mother confirmed this was true. They were all getting diseased, sick, there was cancer, weird skin disorders, HIV. There business was in a drought. Through words of knowledge, The whole family repented and got hit by the power of god they all fell down and we delivered the Son with HIV healed and completely delivered coughing up demons. Condensed version powerful 🔥

This is Pastor Asdrubal Salinas

He sat by me Sunday night at dinner. Introduced ourselves. I put a hand on his shoulder and sensed he had an issue in his head. He said he had a problem with his sinuses. I asked him if I could pray for him and he said yes. I began praying and immediately sensed the spirit of religion and fear in him. I started rebuking them and he agreed they were there. The lord revealed he had been running from something for the past 18 years. And I told him that the lord says you’ve been hiding from him, I said is this true and he said that is true. The lord told me your very prophetic and I see the office of a prophet on your life. I asked him if that was true, and he didn’t respond. Just tears running down his face. I lead him through repentance for partnering with fear and religion, we finished praying for his sinus pain and I felt it go. He said thanks. We ate dinner then left.

Fast forward to the next night. We’re in the food line getting our tacos at teen challenge and I see him coming towards me with a great big smile. Almost skipping. He comes walking up to me and my wife. He says this smells delicious. I said yes it does. He said you don’t understand. This smells delicious. He said, You prayed for me last night and now I can smell and taste. I said what do you mean. He said I didn’t get to tell you last night. After you prayed for me my taste and smell came back. I haven’t been able to taste or smell anything for 18 years. You spoke prophetically about my past last night.

He says 18 years ago a prophet came to town and called me to the office of a prophet. He says I got scared of the call, I told the lord No that is to big for me, even though I new it to be true and I rejected it. He says as soon as I rejected it to the lord he had partnered with fear about the call. His taste and smell left immediately. He then went to Bible school and picked up a religious spirit and he began to grow more fearful in his walk and the prophetic.

He said when you prayed for me that night, in a moment the lord took me back to that word spoken over me and something came alive While you were praying for me, it broke the spirit of fear and religion off me. I felt something lift. You prophesied that I was called to the office of a prophet, and I repented to the lord for denying him 18 years ago. It was in that very moment that my smell and taste returned he said. I wasn’t afraid anymore.

I said isn’t it funny how the lord works, that the lord would have to send another prophet from partway around the world just to speak a word of freedom in you So that you could be free. His timing is always right I told him.

Alondra Valladares

One of my interpreters yesterday. She had a skin rash all across her upper lip. We were in the middle of eating chicken when I noticed. I asked if I could pray, she said yes. She said it had been there a very long time. I told her I have oil on my hand already from the chicken grease, and apologized for the chicken smell. Tonight she came up to me and was all excited. The skin disorder was completely gone. Her skin on her face looked brand new no blemishes. So awesome what he is doing and everything is immediate.

Woman in the red, god grew her leg out two inches. Chronic back pain completely healed. Woman in the middle Marta , no vision in left eye. Extreme pressure around eye and in sinus area. Complete vision restored all pressure and sinus’s healed. Her back damaged in a car accident 7 years ago. Extreme pain, god grew her leg out 2 inches. She stands up and her shoulders go down and she smiles. No more pain anywhere in her body. Guy in blue shirt fell 45 ‘ 15 years ago. Said he should be dead. Extreme pain in back as I was praying felt bones moving and realigning. Felt heaviness leave. He stood up and started to cry and smile. No pain anywhere. Complete restoration. Guy in the yellow shirt. They went and grabbed him after they were healed. This guy has no strength and a vein exposed. Prayed for pain to leave body. He said Kidneys not working. Instantly he says All pain gone. And he flex’s his muscles and says my Strength is back.

The beginning of his story
Erlyn Armando banegas medina

How he ended up at teen challenge.
30 days ago he was caught and put into prison here. This is where the gang broke his arm. They held him down, and one by one began to jump on his arm. It’s a process the gangs do to take authority over you. Inside the prison. After he had been in the fight. They put him in a confined space, no windows dark. His mother and sister visited the prison that day pleading for him to be moved to another facility. This was a very bad facility. He knew inside. He would die here. The prison officials said absolutely not, He is a very bad person Erlyn won’t be able to be moved for a minimum of one year. In his cell he got down on his knees and began to repent He said Jesus I’m sorry for wasting this life you have given me. 

If you’ll save me from this place and give me a second chance. I won’t waste it. I’ll serve all the rest of my days. Two days later. Two men came into his room. They put a dark cloth bag over his head and carried him out. They put him into the back of a dark transport and they drove for a while. He was weeping, afraid not sure what was going to happen to him. He had done many many bad things. When the vehicle stopped they pulled him out. He was at teen challenge. This was 20 days ago. He said God heard me even though I had done all these bad things. He said there are no coincidences in the kingdom why I’m here Rt now. We got this story at the end of our Session. We shared with pastor Jackie last night, she runs teen challenge.


Sharing Stories of Faith

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

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